While Hermès Birkin bags are considered the rarest and most desirable bags in the world, among Birkins, exotic examples are considered even more so. One example of rare exotic skins Hermès uses to make Birkins is Ostrich, which features a unique pattern of dots made from the bird’s feathers. Hermès produces Ostrich bags in few numbers, and takes special care when deciding which colors to use. This example, done in classic Gris Tourterelle is an uncompromising neutral that is both subtle and striking, perfectly paired with Palladium hardware. This bag has been Newlovingly and gently.
Condition: Excellent
30cm: 12' W x 6.25' D x 9' H
Color: Gris Tourterelle
Material: Ostrich Leather
Hardware: Palladium
Collection: 2011, O Square
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